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Rola Auto Station

This was taken from a ROLA Technical Data Sheet.


The Rola Auto Station is a low priced automatic tape programming system for broadcasting and T.V. stations. It is designed to provide broadcasting station operators with a number of automatically cued tape programmes at the touch of a button. The system consists of 3, 4 or 5 tape replay decks. These are automatically controlled by the Rola Auto-Q, an automatic tape cueing unit, and in turn, by the system's main switching unit and remote control.

The Rola Auto Station is designed to provide any degree of automation. The modular construction can be expanded at any time. The efficiency of the system both in and out of the control room allows overall economies in staff, equipment and space. Costs are slashed yet the station's image is enhanced.

The Rola Auto Station consists of 3 or more Rola MkII Tape Transport Decks, Replay Amplifires and associated Rola Auto-Q's linked to an Electronic Switching Unit. The system can be rack or cabinet mounted with complete remote operation.

Tapes a recorded separately on Rola 77 MkIII Professional Tape Recorders and cue points are inserted using the Rola Auto-Q.